
Invited talks


    Neuromorphic artificial intelligence in space and beyond.
    The Alan Turing Institute AI UK Fringe Events: Neuromorphic technology: a giant leap for AI.
    Loughborough University (virtual).


    Gazing into the future - From graphs, gradients and spiking neurons to space.
    University College London (UCL) AI Society, London, UK.


    Getting from there to here - Wie durch KI die Raumschiffe von morgen aussehen könnten.
    Mafex Gründungscamp AI Day.
    Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany.

    Two ways to ESA Fellowships and New ways of finding old globular clusters.
    PhD Seminar of the Observatory of the University of Vienna, Austria.

    New ways of finding old globular clusters.
    Galaxy Coffee Seminar at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany.


    Deep learning and probabilistic computing in biological neural networks.
    Huawei Research Center, Hangzhou, China.

    Why spikes? Exploring spike-based Bayesian inference for accelerated neuronal substrates.
    ICCBC 2019 at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.


    From Euler-Lagrange to error backpropagation in cortical circuits.
    ETH Institute of Neuroinformatics, Zurich, Switzerland.

Conference & workshop talks


    Modelling the European Space Sector with Knowledge Graphs.
    German Aerospace Congress 2023 (DLRK), Stuttgart, Germany.

    Totimorphic structures for space application.
    XXVII Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA) Congress., Padua, Italy.


    Neuro-symbolic computing with spiking neural networks.
    ICONS 2022, hybrid.

    Relational representation learning with spike trains.
    WCCI / IJCNN 2022, Padua, Italy.


    Spike-based embeddings for multi-relational graph data.
    SNUFA 2021 (virtual).

    SpikE: spike-based embeddings for multi-relational graph data.
    IJCNN 2021 (virtual).

    An energy-based model for neuro-symbolic reasoning on knowledge graphs.
    IEEE ICMLA 2021 (virtual).

    Learning through structure: towards deep neuromorphic knowledge graph embeddings.
    ICNC 2021 (virtual).


    Lagrangian dynamics of dendritic microcircuits enables real-time backpropagation of errors.
    Cosyne Conference 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.

    Physics of perception: models of inference and learning in neuronal substrates.
    Perception and attention mechanisms in the primate brain: An integrated, multi-component perspective workshop.
    European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience, Paris, France.

    Predictive or prospective? Real-time backprop in cortical circuits.
    Human Brain Project Co-Design Project 5 Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany.


    Real-time error backpropagation for deep cortical networks.
    Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC) Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland.

    From Euler-Lagrange to time-continuous error backpropagation in cortical microcircuits.
    Neuroplasticity: From Bench to Machine Learning Workshop.
    Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Surrey, England.

    Real-time error backpropagation for deep cortical networks.
    From Neuroscience to Machine Learning Workshop.
    European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience, Paris, France.

    Dendritic error backpropagation and reinforcement learning in deep cortical microcircuits.
    Human Brain Project Subproject 9 Meeting, Bern, Switzerland.

    Continuous error backpropagation in cortical microcircuits from Euler-Lagrange equations.
    Human Brain Project Subproject 9 Fürberg Workshop, Fürberg, Austria.