You can find brief highlights of my CV below, with a full CV attached in pdf format at the end.

When I am not working, I very much enjoy playing video games, playing the piano and the electric guitar, baking (in particular breads!) and cooking, watching movies and tv series (especially sci-fi and fantasy), hiking, reading, and Yoga.

Work experience

    2021 - now: Internal Research Fellow in AI.
    I work as a research fellow at ESA's Advanced Concepts Team, researching bio-inspired AI methods and methods enabling self-configuring systems for space applications.

    2020 - 2021: AI Residency Researcher.
    I worked as a resident at the Siemens AI lab in Munich, where I developed graph-based neuromorphic methods for cybersecurity applications.

    2017 - 2018: Guest Researcher.
    Senn group for computational neuroscience, University of Bern. Stayed for six months with a continuing collaboration and regular visits afterwards during my PhD.

    2016 - 2020: Doctoral Researcher.
    Petrovici group for neuro-inspired theory, modeling and applications and Meier/Schemmel group for neuromorphic computing, Heidelberg University.


Awards & fellowships

    2023: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship.

    2021: Research Fellowship by the European Space Agency (ESA).

    2019: First prize in the finals of the 2019 International Collegiate Competition for Brain-Inspired Computing (ICCBC 2019) at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

    2019: Selected and invited to participate in the first Neuro-inspired Computation Course by the International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN), the University of Tokyo, Japan.



      Zacharia A. Rudge
      Novel Memristor-based Neural Network Accelerators for Space Applications.
      PhD thesis, ESA ESTEC & TU Delft.


      Amy Thomas
      Totimorphic Structures for Space Applications.
      Young Graduate Trainee, ESA ESTEC (2024).
      Afterwards: PhD at TU Delft.

      India Walford
      Novel Neural Network Architectures for Spacecraft Autonomy.
      Internship & Master's thesis, ESA ESTEC & University College London (2023).
      Afterwards: PhD at TU Delft.

      Victor Caceres Chian
      Towards the integration of graph neural networks into neuromorphic architectures.
      Master's thesis, TU Munich (2021).
      Afterwards: Machine Learning Consultant.

      Maximilian Zenk
      Spatio-temporal predictions with spiking neural networks. Master's thesis, Heidelberg University (2018).
      Afterwards: PhD at DKFZ Heidelberg.

Commissions of trust

Click here for the full CV.